Memoir – Routines

The Homeschool Blog Awards Memoir entry for today is routines.


Ha Ha Ha! I say

I do have a schedule that I set up in HST Plus. We haven’t gotten into that routine yet. I’m still working to convince him he has to actually sit and do work and put more thought into what he’s doing. He reads well and gets the point quickly so then he figures he can walk off. Where is his teacher?!?

It’s working out to be math, grammar, writing, history, science, logic, and Bible reading every day. Vocabulary 3 or 4 days for a short time. With lots of reading in there. He thinks there should be a lot more time each day dedicated to playing video games.

The good thing is he makes his own lunch. to see what others are doing.

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4 Responses to Memoir – Routines

  1. I am wanting to start Logic after christmas with my oldest. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sarah says:

    “He thinks there should be a lot more time each day dedicated to playing video games.” Um, yes. I have one of those!

  3. Sherry says:

    With our schedule, dd and ds have to have chores done and reading done after school to get visual entertainment which includes tv and/or computer. 😀

  4. lauranav says:

    That’s good, we’re struggling to get chores into the routine.
    I am trying to enforce the “more time reading than playing games” rule at least during the week. I think I’m going to have to take his games and DS away and make him check them out from me to play.

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