Spectacular Sins by John Piper

I downloaded the PDF and ported it over to my Kindle to read this one. You can find the information at Desiring God.

The premise of the book intrigued me from the day it was announced by Desiring God. To discuss some of the biggest sins in the Bible and discuss the practicality of what purpose such sins could have, and how to square them with God’s sovereignty. I am a firm believer in God’s sovereignty, but I struggle at times to grasp it in the face of pain, suffering, and evil.

The book did not disappoint. He discusses the purpose of Adam’s disobedience, the Tower of Babel, the sale of Joseph to Egypt, the sin of Israel in wanting a king, and the betrayal and murder or Jesus. Piper explains so much so clearly and still respects the places where Scripture enlightens and where it still conceals. Toward the end he says this:

If you embrace the biblical truth that God ordains spectacular sins for the global glory of his Son, without God in any way becoming unholy or unrighteous or sinful in that act, then you will not shrink back from the cross of Christ as a work of God.

Piper shows, through Scripture, again and again how suffering is not out of God’s control or against His will. And how it serves, every time, to bring about God’s desired end and His own glory.

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