I started by reading all 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Matthew just before Christmas, Mark over the holiday, Luke done by 12/30, and John by Jan 2. Certainly not a devotional reading at that pace, but a good refresher of the entire story line all at once, like a good book or story would be read. And close enough to note the similarities and differences between them.
I listened to Max Maclean read Galatians on 1/3. I listened to the Book of Acts during the next week. I did a summary reading of Genesis on 1/21 (I read all of Genesis last year, so this was refresher before the Wednesday night service).
This week I read Exodus for 1/28 Wednesday night’s service.I read Amos on 1/23. I have been working on Job through January, I finished it Wednesday 1/28. I have also read a few Psalms (I’m working to memorize Psalm 103) this month.
Laura, just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your diligence. Keep it up, girl!
Christine’s last blog post..bleary-eyed