Status for the week 4-17

Scripture for this week found while reading Chronicles for Tree to Tree on Wednesday.

For he is good, for his steadfast love endures foreve r

2 Chron 5:13 and 7:3

Prayer and study:

Read 1 and 2 Chronicles and journaled some about what I was reading. Prayed for my friends who have concerns and needs. This is good since it takes my focus off of me, but I hurt for my friends with these struggles.

Outplacement agency:

This week I:

  • Did the Net Search for Job Search elearning and webinar.
  • Did the Networking elearning and webinar. The point being to have informational meetings/discussions with people instead of just desperately asking everyone for a job. This reminds me of how DH got his last job – visiting the company just to talk about audio/visual options for our church and suddenly the guy he’s talking to redirects the conversation and brings in the owner and they ended by asking DH to provide a proposal for a position they were trying to fill.
  • Met with my career coach, she had a lot of great suggestions for next steps.
  • Ordered business cards – can order card stock to print my own, can have Staples print them (200 for $29.95) or can get 250 from for as cheap as $5.45 (if I can wait 21 days). I went with Vista Print this time.
  • Reviewed the formatted resume from the outplacement agency and compared it to the one I adjusted based on the Resume Development webinar. I like mine better. Formatted it for txt version for those places where I need to copy/paste it in. I am sending the pdf to most people in email.
  • Continued to edit the resume to remove duties and add accomplishments and results.

Job Search:

I bought a suit in case I have to interview. None of my old suits fit, so I’ll be giving them to Goodwill soon. I found an article on WSJ about the power look coming back. I love this line. “But people’s sense of job entitlement has evaporated as unemployment figures rise.”

I loaded my resume onto the World Vision site. The agent found several jobs that fit my resume, but most want more experience than I have. All are in WA state or Washington, DC. We both need a much stronger sign if it’s time for us to move. We’d be convinced if someone walked up to us and offered to buy our house with the furnishings in it. (No, we haven’t listed the house for sale.)

Did a web course on using Social Media for your job search. This was offered by VisualCV and was a great webinar. It is available here for anyone interested. Here is mine, in progress.

I updated my twitter page to have a custom background. DH helped a lot with that. Now I know how to do it again if I want to.

I created an account at where I can track my contacts, connections, companies, job postings, etc. It has a place to put multiple 30-second commercials. Doing it again helped me make more progress on identifying my strengths and accomplishments from my career so far.


Daily meetings with my replacement to review the areas and gather the data she needed, or review the spreadsheet where I had gathered it. Redirecting most traffic to her and reminding people I am leaving. I did the monthly data gathering and then provided it for my replacement so she can create the final presentation.


Other than a horrendous food day on Sunday, I have done well with what I eat. Exercise hasn’t happened as I would like. I was still tired for a few days after the Sunrise service and weekend spent with all 3 nephews. I did walk up/down the stairs several times as I did more cleaning in Connor’s room and handled 3 loads of laundry.


I applied for life insurance since I’ll stop having that through my employer. Trying to think of anything else like this that I should get started on.

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One Response to Status for the week 4-17

  1. Hubbers says:

    Please don’t use Vistaprint or recommend it to your readers.

    Using Vistaprint could very likely lead to you being signed up to FAKE discount clubs and hundreds of dollars benig taken from you Visa/bank without your knowledge or permission.

    I have a huge blog post with all the details of all of the different scamming sites Vistaprint and Adaptive Affinity run and how best to get a refund.

    If you don’t believe me check this blog and the scores of comments form people who have been ripped off!

    According to the Washington Post this negative option selling scam earned the parent company Ventura $650 million in revenue in 2006.

    If you have already used Vistaprint, start checking your bank statements.

    You can also sign this petition!

    Hubbers’s last blog post..Libya was pretty awesome

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