Memoir – all about me

I came across a link to Homeschool Memoirs and a new way to use blogs for homeschoolers to relate. The first one was Aug 20, write about myself, how long I’ve been homeschooling and why. Actually, they specifically refer to the Momma. I’m really the aunt but the rest is the same. Let’s start with why I’m homeschooling:

My nephew Connor moved in with us January 2008 and spent the last half of the school year going to Bailey Middle School near us. He finished 7th grade, barely. We agreed he’d go home for the summer and return in August. After an enlightening conversation with a friend at church I decided to try home schooling him for 8th grade to see if that environment works better. Given the time and effort spent working through his homework and then trying to figure out if he actually handed in the homework, I am not sure home schooling will be that much more effort.

We are now on day 3 of our homeschooling. I think things are going pretty well. I didn’t drop all subjects on him at once, and he’s going to stay with my mom next week so it will be a few weeks before we truly see how this schedule is going to work. But he’s doing pretty well so far.

In addition to homeschooling, I work full time from home. I spend a lot of time on conference calls so we built doors to my office so Connor and I don’t disturb each other. I am also in semester 4 of a 4 semester EMBA program. January should be a breeze after this year. I have been married to an absolutely wonderful man for 15.7 years and we are looking forward to many more years. I’m also active at church, sing in the choir, and play handbells. The full handbell choir is fun, and the quartet handbell choir is a blast.

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One Response to Memoir – all about me

  1. Jacqueline says:

    Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m also doing the Homeschool Memoirs. You sound like a very busy lady, but also someone that can handle it. Good for you for taking on the challenge!

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