I am struggling with this just a bit. I have had this sitting in draft since September!
I found a link to this article on the “real prosperity” gospel. It is convicting stuff. Especially if you are watching the news lately.
And I have been watching. I am trying to be a prudent steward of what we have and make good decisions even while living with consequences of prior not-so-good decisions. But it is easy to fall into the doom and gloom attitude and start to second guess decisions and stress over the future. While I was pondering these thoughts for this blog entry, I also ran across this discussion of how to react to the banking crisis.
And I have had this draft sitting around for over a month so I’m putting it out as it is.
If you are still concerned or worried, listen to this a few times.
Check here:
and here
and here
In Jan I was listening to Oswald Chambers: Abandoned to God: The Life Story of the Author of My Utmost for His Highest
by David McCasland. In chapter 7 he talks about OC’s struggle and dark night, wanting to believe, praying for guidance, and unable to find it or feel it. Then Oswald was captured by Luke 11:13 “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” He realized that to claim the Holy Spirit on the promise of Christ Jesus would be humbling, but he chose to take God at his word and take the gift.
Another section talks about a friend of Oswald’s advising people to ask God why this has come upon them. Not in a challenging or complaining way, but to be open to the discipline and sanctification that God is working in their lives through the struggle or hardship, or even blessing.
Then, just to add to it, here is something I ran across today and I find it oddly comforting to hear Pastor Piper say this.
Nice post Laura! I have been reflecting upon this issue as well. It seems that our economy is helping us set our priorities right. Our view of money and prosperity needs to be one that it’s God’s money, not ours and we need to trust in the provisions that the Lord provides for us. I took particular comfort in Matt 6:31-34 this week. God’s blessings to you sister-friend!
krista’s last blog post..Blessings from God