Weekly status for 4-24

This week we were reading Ezra and Nehemiah. Here is Nehemiah 9:5 (just the middle part)

Stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting.

Prayer and study

Time in Ezra and Nehemiah preparing for Tree to Tree on Wednesday. Judah had sinned, but God preserved a remnant and they repented and turned back to him. I also spent time reading the book The Immigration Crisis and thinking through the way the preacher was portrayed in Higher Hope.

Outplacement Agency

I actually didn’t do a thing with them this week. I got my business cards and printed out a copy of my resume for a friend to review one more time. But I didn’t take any classes or review any of the information I have received so far.

Job Search

I have rejuvenated my twitter presence and changed my user name from imperfectln to lauranavarro. I am following some career assist types and some job posting types. I have retweeted a few things. I have picked up a list of useful web sites with information.

I need to set an appointment with a local placement agency to see what might work out there. I did get my new laptop and IDs for the contractor position that I start next week. I have everything set up and in place so I can start right in on Tuesday.


I’m really done here. My replacement has all the information she needs, I have just about convinced everyone to stop listing me as reviewer or coming to me for help.

I have an exit interview Monday and then I’ll mail back my old laptop and other documents. I have a VoIP router from AT&T and they said not to return it. I just need to call and cancel the number on Monday.

I need to get used to having the home line for my main phone line.


Wednesday night I accepted that I’m not going to get up early this week to work out. I did my Powerstrike routine Wednesday night and then did some yoga Thursday night. Saturday morning (today) we went out on the bicycles for about 30 minutes. Then I cleaned the entire house so I’m beat.

Speaking of cleaning the house – I rearranged the living room and we boxed up and labeled two boxes with 70 pounds of books to mail to Christian Resources International. That’s just books from us and one other family. I’m sure we can gather more to get mailed off soon.

Diet wasn’t perfect this week – Ladies’ Night out Tuesday, chicken quesadilla with sour cream and cheese on Wednesday, pizza on Friday. But in general I’m still doing a good job of keeping the sat fat and cholesterol down.


I had my physical for the life insurance policy. I also had an initial call with a financial agency that will help me walk through where I am and where I need to be. This is a benefit of the outplacement agency, so maybe it fits up there.

Since I have a job to start on Tuesday it is easy to get content again. But I believe this happened for a greater reason and I am still searching for any guidance for the direction we whould go in. I am open to wherever He wants me to go. I’m not sitting still doing nothing while waiting because there are opportunities. I just keep praying that I walk in His will, and not try to take over and create my own solution. We have certainly had more discussions about changes we need to make and how to prepare ourselves for whatever may come next.

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3 Responses to Weekly status for 4-24

  1. Christine says:

    Sorry, I think I missed something. Your talking about your replacement having all she needs, and an exit interview. . .and then you are talking about a job starting Tuesday.

    Did you get a new job, and I missed that???

    Still praying for you.

  2. Laura says:

    I’ll post about it, but I was offered a job as a contractor working for a dept I was with about 3 years ago. It won’t last forever, but it will last for awhile and gives me time to spend looking for something else.

  3. Christine says:


    Christine’s last blog post..Well, that was sudden!

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