Oliver doing yoga
We adopted a second cat Sunday. Cat #1 (BlueTooth) has not said he wanted a friend, but we keep thinking it would be nice if he had a another cat to play with.
BlueTooth is still wondering what he did to deserve this. And hisses when Oliver proceeds to sniff his rear (I can’t blame BlueTooth, I’d hiss too). But it’s only been two days so we have hope.
BlueTooth is about 4, and Oliver is about 1. What a difference. Oliver is very curious as he learns the new smells and sights (and harasses BlueTooth). He is also persistent and fast. Putting him down just means he gets to jump right back up.
He’s also a paper chewer. BlueTooth chews through tiny wires, but that’s not a worry with Oliver. He’d rather chew up a book or papers sitting on the table. He’s also attracted to push pins.
I’ve been alternating between having fun playing with him and watching him do fun things and then pulling him away from stuff and removing things from his mouth. Then he just chews on me (maybe we should file his teeth ;-).
So, it was with great trepidation that I rode the bike on the trainer and then did yoga. I kept him away from the bike successfully. Then he turned out to be an even better yoga partner than BlueTooth. BT thinks he should watch my yoga session from the center of my mat (which hampers my form just a tad). Oliver was content to lie down at the head of the mat and didn’t get in my way at all. In fact, he closed his eyes and stayed quite still. I may have found a way to tame the inner wildcat.
Sunday night Anthony slept in the guest bedroom with Oliver and I stayed in our room with BlueTooth. But I didn’t shut BlueTooth up in our room so he kept going to the guest bedroom door and meowing pitifully. No one but Oliver slept well.
Last night I slept in the guest room with Oliver and Anthony and BlueTooth were shut up in our bedroom. Oliver decided to play around 3am and I had to hide my digits because he kept chewing on my fingers. Then he would lick and chew on my ear. I finally got him to stop that, but he just laid down with his belly right up beside my ear and purred nice and loud!
I really hope BlueTooth accepts Oliver soon so they can go play with each other at 3am and leave me to sleep.
It’s always so hard introducing a new cat into the fold. I always love meeting the new personality though.
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Woot! WOOT! =-.