
Another post does a great job talking about how we can’t be “almost a Christian”. It is Finished, and that’s a great thing for us.

But that triggered the thought that you can’t almost have cancer. Either you are sick or not and I’m sick. What does that mean for me?

It means I can pray or have others pray for my full healing. But likely I will not be healed. Which means I completely get to go home. (Not almost home.)

I’ve been reading some books lately by survivors or victims of cancer and ALS. The reactions vary so much. Some are angry, some are scared, some rest in their faith but struggle through the hard days. One that has been particularly great is is Just Show Up: the dance of walking through suffering together.The authors are Kara Tippets (the cancer victim who died before publication) and her friend Jill Buteyn. They do a great job of talking about how to help, walk alongside, etc. They talk about things to do and not to do, things to say and not o say. It’s a very practical book from that perspective, while also covering the faith side and ow necessary that is to have hope as well. I highly recommend this book out of all the ones on suffering and cancer that I’ve read.

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