I’m going to try another blogging challenge. This one is just for the month of April, which has 26 days when you skip the Sundays, so it fits the alphabet perfectly. Hence, the A to Z Challenge.
When I mentioned this to Nate, we thought about doing 26 days of medical procedures, since I know a lot more than I did a year ago 🙂 I will have a few posts about various medical things I’ve learned this year and my thoughts about them, but not 26 posts. For one thing, most of the terms I could come up with start with the letter P 🙂 Also, I usually don’t talk about my illness too much on this blog. That’s what Caring Bridge is for. This is for more thoughtful things than medical updates (I hope things here are more thoughtful.)
My husband is also doing this challenge. I haven’t seen his sign-up yet, but on the sign-up page I’m number 1640 (for now, it may change as some are removed during the month). If you are a blogger or want to blog or just want to read some new blogs, check it out.
A husband and wife team on the A to Z Challenge? How fun! This is my first year participating. I can already tell I’m going to need to stay ahead of the schedule and probably write a few prescheduled posts just in case.
My best wishes to you during the A to Z Challenge and with the health challenges you face.
Julie Valerie – #1628
Oops. Sorry. I’m a newbie. I think I was supposed to add the name of my blog in my comment. I’m Julie. Nice to meet you. Entry #1628. I’m a writer so my blog is my name: Julie Valerie (julievalerie.com) but my A to Z Challenge “theme” and name on the Linky list is Thesaurus Tyrannosaurus.
Okay, good. Let’s see what else I can mess up as I hop along . . .
Julie Valerie @Julie_Valerie recently posted…Thesaurus Tyrannosaurus